More About Me


Welcome to my page!

 My name is Mandi-short for Amanda.  Orginally from the Knoxville area. I have been with Wallace Realtors alittle over 11 years, and enjoy helping buyers and sellers search for their new home. 

In my free time, I enjoy the hot, summer days Knoxville has to offer.  Knoxville has beautiful lakes. Norris Lake is close to Knoxville,  and  is very clear and offers great fishing, great paddle boarding, kayaking, and if you scuba this is a pretty good place to go.  I have been all over! 

Ijams Nature Trail is in South Knoxville, and I can be found there hiking with my beagle- who will turn 5 in July!  There is a nice quarry you can swim, rent paddle boards, and theres a hot dog stand during the summer, biking/walking trails, and a very fun ropes course that might require extra thinking (if you want to beat your child)! and a word of advice- make sure no one is in front of you because you will hv to wait on them and it could be slow!!! The ropes course is fairly expensive the last time I went but so fun!  The truth is I am always outside during the summer the heat does not bother me, I love it! Need something to do in the heat just ask! And for mosquitos order AVON skin so soft $22 ( just the original in the pink bottle) it works! I used to use deet 100% but AVON just as good without all the chemicals or greasy mess!

Now , I can't help you out much in the winter I don't like the cold.  Knoxville does not get as much snow like we did when I was a kid, but we do get alot of heavy rain.   

I look forward to meeting you!

Mandi K.